In August, the Chapter 7 Trustee in the National Wholesale Liquidators (“NWL”) bankruptcy filing approximately 90 preference actions. Just recently, the Trustee filed over 100 more preference actions in NWL. In November of 2008, I wrote about the commencement of NWL bankruptcy (read my prior post concerning the NWL bankruptcy here). As indicated in the prior post, NWL filed for bankruptcy in agreement with its lenders that it would either find a buyer while in bankruptcy, or convert and liquidate under Chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code. The NWL bankruptcy converted to Chapter 7 on February 26, 2009.
The Chapter 7 Trustee hired Archer and Greiner to represent him in this bankruptcy proceeding. Pursuant to the summons filed with the most recent preference actions, the Court scheduled a pretrial conference on February 16, 2011. These adversary actions, as well as the NWL bankruptcy proceeding, are before the Honorable Mary F. Walrath. Judge Walrath previously served as Chief Judge of the Delaware Bankruptcy Court.