In this prior post, the preference actions filed by Jeoffrey L. Burtch, Chapter 7 Trustee of the Capitol Infrastructure, LLC bankruptcy estates, from April 22 through 24th were discussed. Since the filing of these preference actions, a Pretrial Conference has been set for July 22, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. at US Bankruptcy Court, 824 Market St., 6th Fl., Courtroom #3, Wilmington, Delaware before the Honorable Kevin Gross.
In pretrial conferences held before the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware, the Court will enter a scheduling order governing the pending preferences actions. This order will generally include deadlines to issue discovery, take depositions, file dispositive motions, along with the scheduling of trial and other relevant dates. A template scheduling order that has been approved by the Court can be found on the Court’s website, or by clicking here.
It is important that preference defendants review a proposed scheduling order with counsel in order to determine whether the plaintiff’s proposed order comports with the standard terms of such orders approved by the Bankruptcy Court in the District of Delaware.
For readers looking for more information concerning preference litigation, including an analysis of defenses that can be asserted, below are several articles on this topic:
Preference Payments: Brief Analysis of Preference Actions and Common Defenses
Minimizing Preference Exposure: Require Prepayment for Goods or Services
Minimizing Preference Exposure (Part II) – Contemporaneous Exchanges