From May 11 to May 13, 2016, SRC Liquidation, LLC International Holdings, LLC (“Liquidating Debtor”), unleashed yet another wave of preference actions, filing approximately 257 additional complaints seeking the avoidance and recovery of allegedly preferential and fraudulent transfers under Sections 547 and 550 of the Bankruptcy Code. The Liquidating Debtor also seeks to disallow claims of such preference defendants under Sections 502(d) and (j) of the Bankruptcy Code.
The second wave of preference action filings brings the total preference actions filed in the SRC Liquidation bankruptcy to 393 in total. To review a prior post concerning the first wave of preference actions filed by the Liquidation Debtor, click here. These avoidance actions are pending before the Honorable Brendan L. Shannon.
For preference defendants looking for an analysis of defenses that can be asserted in response to a preference complaint, below are several articles on this topic:
Preference Payments: Brief Analysis of Preference Actions and Common Defenses
Minimizing Preference Exposure: Require Prepayment for Goods or Services
Minimizing Preference Exposure (Part II) – Contemporaneous Exchanges