Starting on April 28, 2017, Craig R. Jalbert, as Distribution Trustee of the Corinthian Distribution Trust, filed approximately 122 complaints seeking the avoidance and recovery of allegedly preferential and/or fraudulent transfers under Sections 547, 548, 549 and and 550 of the Bankruptcy Code (depending upon the nature of the underlying transactions).  The Distribution Trustee also seeks to disallow claims of such defendants under Sections 502(d) and (j) of the Bankruptcy Code.

Corinthian Colleges and its affiliated debtors filed voluntary petitions for bankruptcy in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware on May 4, 2015 under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code.   On August 28, 2016, the Court confirmed the Debtors’ Third Amended and Modified Combined Disclosure Statement and Chapter 11 Plan of Liquidation.  The Corinthian Distribution Trust was established in accordance with the Plan and Confirmation Order.

The various avoidance actions are pending before the Honorable Kevin J. Carey.  As of the date of this post, the pretrial conference has not yet been scheduled.

For preference defendants looking for an analysis of defenses that can be asserted in response to a preference complaint, below are several articles on this topic:

Preference Payments: Brief Analysis of Preference Actions and Common Defenses

Minimizing Preference Exposure: Require Prepayment for Goods or Services

Minimizing Preference Exposure (Part II) – Contemporaneous Exchanges