Fox Rothschild LLP

In a recent opinion, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas held that an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) action brought against an employer for alleged
Continue Reading Northern District of Texas Holds EEOC Title VII Enforcement Action Falls Within Exception to the Automatic Stay

Kerri Gallagher writes:

The Eleventh Circuit recently held that when determining whether a plaintiff’s inconsistent statements are intended to make a mockery of the judicial system, a court must evaluate
Continue Reading Mockery of Judicial System Determinations: Eleventh Circuit Confirms “Facts and Circumstances” Test

Anahita Anvari writes:

In In re Beach v. Beach, the Fifth Circuit elaborated on its standard of review for adversary litigation settlements.  No. 17-10481 (5th Cir. May 16, 2018).
Continue Reading Fifth Circuit Reviews Approval of Adversary Proceeding Settlement for Abuse of Discretion

David Doty writes:

The U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of California recently held that a Hong Kong resident who had made online purchases of wine through a California
Continue Reading Bankruptcy Court Extends Personal Jurisdiction to Foreign Online Customer in Fraudulent Transfer Litigation