In Rosenberg v. DVI Receivables XVII, LLC, 2016 WL 4501675 (3d Cir. August 29, 2016), the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit held that Section 303(i)
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Involuntary Bankruptcy
Third Circuit Denies Summary Judgment in Issue of Pre-emption
On August 29, 2016, the Third Circuit released a precedential opinion (the “Opinion”) which opined on whether filing an involuntary bankruptcy petition could qualify as tortious interference under state law. …
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Involuntary Bankruptcy Petition Filed Against Bennu Titan LLC (f/k/a ATP Titan LLC)
On August 12, 2016, petitioning creditors Beal Bank USA and CLMG Corp. filed an involuntary chapter 11 bankruptcy petition against Bennu Titan LLC (f/k/a ATP Titan LLC). The involuntary debtor…
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Diamondhead Casino Bankruptcy – Motion to Dismiss Involuntary Petition – Granted
On June 7, 2016, Judge Laurie Selber Silverstein of the Delaware Bankruptcy Court ruled on a motion to dismiss Diamondhead’s involuntary bankruptcy petition. The Creditors who filed the bankruptcy admitted to the Court that their intent in filing for bankruptcy was to remove management and to obtain a recovery for their equity investments. The “Opinion” is available here. This is the second recent opinion issued in this case. The prior opinion was discussed in this blog post: Diamondhead Casino Bankruptcy – and the Challenge to Trustee Appointments.
While the parties involved in Diamondhead’s bankruptcy proceeding agreed to have the Court address the motion to appoint a trustee prior to addressing the Debtor’s motion to dismiss the involuntary petition, claiming it was filed in bad faith and that there is a bona fide dispute as to the debt held by the petitioning creditors. Opinion at *2.
As became clear at trial, “the petitioning creditors’ primary purpose in filing this case was to effect a change in management, and their secondary purpose was to collect a debt. On the facts of this case, neither of these goals serves a proper bankruptcy purpose.” Opinion at *1.Continue Reading Diamondhead Casino Bankruptcy – Motion to Dismiss Involuntary Petition – Granted
Involuntary Bankruptcy Actions Discussed
Can a financially distressed be “forced” into bankruptcy by its creditors? In other words, is it possible for creditors to subject a distressed entity into an involuntary bankruptcy proceeding?
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