Very often in the course of a bankruptcy proceeding, a creditor with a pending lawsuit against the debtor will need to obtain relief from the automatic stay in order to
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Section 362
Court Reiterates that Debtor’s Setoff Rights Trump those of Claimant
By Fox Rothschild LLP on
In the bankruptcy case of ADI Liquidation, Inc. (f/k/a AWI Delaware, Inc.), Bankr. No. 14-12092 (KJC), the Court considered a motion by creditor Western Family Foods, Inc. (“WFFI”) for relief…
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How does the “automatic stay” of the bankruptcy code apply to landlords?
By Fox Rothschild LLP on
The automatic stay is one of the most powerful protections provided to debtors in a bankruptcy proceeding. The stay acts as an injunction that prohibits creditors (including landlords) from commencing…
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