On September 7-8, 2016, various debtors in the ADI Liquidation, Inc. (f/k/a AWI Delaware, Inc.), et al. bankruptcy proceeding filed approximately 332 complaints seeking the avoidance and recovery of
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Section 548
Coldwater Creek Inc. Preference Actions Filed
In the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware, Peter Kravitz, as the Liquidating Trustee of the CWC Creditors Liquidating Trust, filed approximately 106 preference actions on March…
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Capsule International Holdings LLC Preference Actions Filed
On December 17th and 18th, 2015, the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors (the “Committee”) of Capsule International Holdings, LLC, and its affiliated debtors and debtors in possession (the “Debtors”), filed…
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Quantum Foods Preference Actions Update
In a prior post, we discussed the commencement of approximately 72 preference actions filed in the Quantum Foods bankruptcy proceeding by the Creditors Committee. In the preference actions at…
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