FRCP 12(b)(6)

In an appeal arising out of a Ponzi scheme by the principals of two entities, the receiver sought to recover funds from a bank allegedly diverted as fraudulent transfers under
Continue Reading In 11th Circuit, Routine Bank Deposits Are Not Transfers Under Florida Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act


In a straight-forward 9 page decision signed May 1, 2012, Judge Walrath of the Delaware Bankruptcy Court granted a defendant’s motion to dismiss a preference complaint, but granted the
Continue Reading Decision in Ultimate Acquisition Grants Motion to Dismiss, But Also Grants Leave to Amend the Preference Complaint


In an 11 page decision signed June 30, 2011, Judge Walrath of the Delaware Bankruptcy Court granted a motion to dismiss, holding that a preference complaint must clearly identify
Continue Reading Decision in Everything But Water, LLC Requires Preference Claimants to Identify Transferees Specifically in Granting Motion to Dismiss


In a 23 page decision signed July 15, 2011, Judge Walsh of the Delaware Bankruptcy Court denied a motion to allow a plaintiff to file an amended complaint, holding
Continue Reading Fruehauf Opinion Illustrates that Despite a Preference to Allow Amendment of Pleadings, Courts Won’t Always Allow Amendment


In a 10 page decision signed May 5, 2011, Judge Walsh of the Delaware Bankruptcy Court denied a motion to dismiss and held that the plaintiff Litigation Trustee satisfied
Continue Reading Decision in DBSI Inc., Holds that the “Particularity” Requirement of F.R.C.P. 12(b)(6) and 9(b) was Satisfied, Notwithstanding the Number of Alleged Fraudulent Transfers


In January of this year, Judge Brendan L. Shannon of the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware issued a decision addressing whether a debtor’s lenders had
Continue Reading Decision in Fedders Bankruptcy Looks at Whether Lenders Aided and Abetted Debtor in Breach of Duty of Care