

In a straight-forward 9 page decision signed May 1, 2012, Judge Walrath of the Delaware Bankruptcy Court granted a defendant’s motion to dismiss a preference complaint, but granted the
Continue Reading Decision in Ultimate Acquisition Grants Motion to Dismiss, But Also Grants Leave to Amend the Preference Complaint


In an opinion issued January 4, 2012, Judge Sontchi of the Delaware Bankruptcy Court provided an easy to follow primer in preference law in the course of granting in
Continue Reading Decision in Sierra Concrete Design, Inc. Provides a Thorough Explanation of the Principles Behind Bankruptcy’s Preference Laws


In a 23 page decision signed July 15, 2011, Judge Walsh of the Delaware Bankruptcy Court denied a motion to allow a plaintiff to file an amended complaint, holding
Continue Reading Fruehauf Opinion Illustrates that Despite a Preference to Allow Amendment of Pleadings, Courts Won’t Always Allow Amendment